I first stumbled across this video on facebook. My friend commented on it and shared it to his page. I wanted to take a look at it because I am sooo in to Politics. Although this video is really long, you don't have to watch the whole thing to understand his message and even feel the way I feel.
People from all over the world watched Obama's 2012 State of the Union Address. Many wanted to address, furthermore, personal issues that they are currently dealing with and even their effects futuristically. So these people decided to come together to start a Google+ Hangout on the White house's channel on You Tube to delegate the things they want to change. Their issues range from unemployment, to concerns on the downfall of their small businesses, to the increasing of minimum wage, to a plan on helping pay back student loans. And guess what; he listened! He sat down, through video chat, and spoke to numerous individuals live. He commended them on their hard work and drive through these economic hardships. He showed his compassion and interest in sincerely helping them.
I saw this video and first thought "This is toooo coool"! What other President has done this? What president has taken the time out of their busy schedule to just listen to the problems of "the average American"? I mean usually those running are only worried about their election and getting votes. But I believe that Obama went above and beyond a tactic to "just get votes". And I think he did it without even noticing. Obama is so down to earth from his practices, to his family, to the events he attends, to the speeches he makes, to this video right here. I don't know about you but I am proud to say I will vote for him again, and I am not afraid to say that he has NO competition; no one who can fulfill his position, and no one who can effectively gain the trust of people all over the world like he did.I think that even if he is not elected President for this upcoming term, he will keep involved in civic engagement and serve his community. What other President, can you say, would do this?
I think this President is the first one to have a real opportunity to incorporate social networking into politics. President Obama's campaign in 2008 was masterful at recognizing how useful a tool social networking could be to communicate with both his "base" and potential voters. Although the President does seem to be in touch with the average American, I don't feel that his reelection is inevitable. I think much of this year's election rests on averting economic catastrophe in Europe. If places like Greece or Italy have a disorderly default, the U.S. economy will plunge, seriously hurting the President's re-election chances in November. That would be a raw deal for President Obama, but I believe it's a very real possibility.
ReplyDeleteI love that Obama is so accessible. I tweeted the other day about how I love that he uses his first name on a lot of his campaign ads. One came up on my homepage the other day that said something to the effect of "Join Barack and Michelle" for blah blah blah something. I think these small actions really make a big difference for how people can relate to the president or other political candidates.