Thursday, March 22, 2012

Black Student Union Presents...

This link above briefly talks about our event that took place on Thursday, March 15th called "Black Girls that Rock." I say "our" because I am on the Exec of the Black Student Union which held the event. "Black Girls that Rock" symbolizes African American females who have made a distinctive impact in history or even currently. We paid tributes to present-day leaders such as Tyra Banks, Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama. And not forgetting key leaders of the past, we paid tributes to Zora Neal Hurston, Billie Holiday and many more. We even had a segment of the show in which we recognized African American women who have made an impact on this campus. Last but not least, Black Student Union brought in the up-and-coming star Jade Alston and Grammy Award winning Melanie Fiona.

As we all know, March is Women's History Month. I think that as a female, we are very powerful beings. We have undoubtedly made this country what it is today by fighting for our rights and rising above stereotypes. We have also worked high enough to set the bar for males in the professional world. We have gone from using the vacuum cleaner to working the sewing machine to answering the phones to running companies.

With the link to the article above, it is evident that the Daily Collegian appreciates us in the same light. In the article it says, "Women’s spirits were lifted yesterday evening at the first annual “Black Girls Rock” show, which honored the accomplishments and brilliance of African-American women in the Penn State community... the evening also focused on giving young black women the credit they deserve." This is exactly what the Black Student Union was aiming to accomplish. We feel women in general are mistreated but we feel even stronger that African American women are belittled and STILL not rightfully recognized. Events like these are the ones that remind us of our achievements and it did just that.


  1. I agree that it is amazing how far women have come in history. I still believe that there is a glass ceiling for women in some aspects but overall we have made great strides in the professional world. I am a big fan of Oprah and Tyra and I congratulate you on the success of this event!!

  2. It's awesome to see the type of events going on around our campus for causes such as these because the truth is that even today women are not always given an equal status. Women here and there are belittled often which is sad because women today work just as hard as men. I wasn't able to attend this event but I'm sure it was great and very successful and really helped out young black women stand out!
