Thursday, March 29, 2012

Excuses Excuses

This is a link to an article that talks about Trayvon Martin and his Twitter Feed. If anyone knows anything about the case, it shows that Trayvon was a descent kid with no major record of violence or discipline. However, there are always those who plot on one's downfall or make excuses for an unjustifiable action.

This article states that Trayvon Martin's Twitter Feed was googled and demonstrated negative remarks and pictures. It showed Tray with tattoos on his arms and his middle finger up. It further criticizes Martin's character by saying how he uses the word "nigga" and other verbal profanities. I am guessing Twitter was used to judge his character which is sad. It is known that social websites like Facebook and Twitter are used for teens and young adults to express themselves. Yes I understand in terms of education and jobs that these circumstances should be utilized to judge a person; but I believe people are straying away from the bigger picture. A man commented on this article and said that African American leaders in society today should be ashamed of themselves for portraying a negative image in which teens want to mirror. However, people should realize that Tray is not trying to get in to school or land a respectable job. He is trying to receive justice. "We" are trying to give him justice for being shot for no reason. Although it may be true that present-day societies lack positive figures, that is not our focus. I feel that people are trying to justify Tray's innocence. It's almost like they are hoping to find negative acts on Tray's part so they can say, "hey, this kid was violent and he looked that way as well."

Overall, this article pisses me off. To me, the Justice system is screwed up. If anyone believes that the man in Florida had every reason to shoot the kid, then I think they need mental help. It is sad how society views things. Troy Davis, a black man, was executed for being accused of killing a white police officer; and there were testimonies saying they don't think he was the one who did it. Troy Davis was executed for a crime people weren't sure he even committed, and the white man who actually committed the crime against Tray is still walking. WHAT IS UP WITH THE EXCUSES?! Do I have a compelling argument or am I overreacting?


  1. I think the whole media has to back off the case. I am not trying to imply that the case doesn't deserve coverage, but as I wrote in my blog this week, I think that the media has been irresponsible in it's coverage of this story. I am a huge believer in the right to due process in the justice system and I think that the way the media has been reporting the story, with constant "new information" leaking, has caused many people to overreact and turn to vigilante justice as a way to right a wrong.

    Spike Lee tweeted a few days ago a suspected address of where George Zimmerman was hiding. The address turned out to be wrong, and the elderly couple that lived there faced harassment and worse. Lee eventually called to apologize, but it's that type of mob mentality that is only going to make this situation worse. Trayvon Martin needs justice in court, not in the streets.

  2. I totally agree with Matt on this case, the media is definitely playing too much of a role in this case. I feel like at the moment there's no saying who is guilty and who is innocent but that doesn't give people the right to start judging certain sides. Everyone should wait until the final verdict is announced to make their decision.

  3. This story makes me mad as well. I think people have a right to form their own opinions and express them. I know that the media can get out of hand from time to time but its the readers' role to not be completely gullible. Freedom to express information and opinions is important, during good new stories and bad ones like this one.
